Date: June 17-23, and June 28-July 10th
Time: Satuday 7:00 am through Saturday Evening, Mon-Fri 5:30 pm through eve. We are flexible on match times, so if a time you are scheduled to play doesn’t work for you, ask when the courts are available for rescheduling, then get with your opponent, and figure out a time that works for both of you, then let us know when you want to have your match rescheduled to.
League: Mountain Valley Clay Court Tennis Championships
Match Day: Starts June 17th (no Sunday Play)

Ready for some new entertainment in Cache Valley? Support your local tennis players in an exciting new all players tournament to be held on the Clay Courts at Mountain Valley Trout and Tennis Farm 2 miles west of Smithfield Implement. All players who enter will be thrown into 1 big draw—old, young, male, female, all who consider themselves to be a tennis player—are invited to come play for cash.

The match-ups will be fun to watch. There will be music, food and the entertainment will be provided by the players.  This is a double-elimination tournament, so there is a possibility of a player working his/her way through the back draw to win the tournament.

Admission is free for anyone under 16, everyone else pays a small fee of $5.00, for a grounds pass, half of which will be paid to the players for providing the entertainment.  Tips will be accepted, so if you watch an unusually exciting match, feel free to tip the players by adding to the tip jar on site. 100% of tips go to the players.

Players: After you sign up, you will be placed in the main draw within a few days. If we reach our limit of 32 players, you will be on hold until a place is opened up by someone dropping out.

Matches begin on June 17 at 5:30 pm and will continue until July 10. Saturday matches begin at 7 am and continue all day and into the evening. Weekday matches (Monday through Friday) start at 5:30 pm.  So, come on out and support your favorite local tennis player. If you don’t have one, see the player list below, and click on the names to see their profile to help you pick a favorite. Match-ups and times are also listed in the main draw and the back draw. (below the player list)

The tournament director is Leland Barker. You can contact him by calling or texting him at 435-512-3394

PLAY FORMAT: All matches will be best 2 out of 3 sets. 1st player to 6 games. Must win by 2. In the event of a 6 all tie, a coman tie breaker will decide the set. Coman: Play 1 point, then trade sides, play 4 points, trade sides, etc. After 1st point, the server serves to ad side first.

*Note: There are 2 rule changes that we will be implementing in order to speed play up a bit. First, there will be no let calls on the serve. If the ball hits the net and lands in, the receiver must play the ball. Second, once the receiver is ready, and the server tosses the ball in the air, they must attempt to hit the ball. They can’t let it drop and try again. If they do, it will be a fault.

Line call disputes: If players call a ball out that is close to the line, they should circle the mark with their racquet. If they look at the mark, and realize it was good, they will then wipe the mark out with their foot, conceding the point to the other player. If they call the ball out, and the opposing player questions the call, the player challenging the call will then ask for 3 volunteers from the audience to come look at the mark. If it touches the line at all, it should be called good. If they can’t unanimously agree on the call, then they should seek the tournament director to assist in making the call.

We encourage the spectators to cheer for their favorite player, but please limit the cheering to immediately after a point. Please respect the players by keeping quiet during the points.

In the final match, the winner of the back draw must beat the winner of the main draw twice to win the tournament, so the final match could possibly end up being a 6 set match, or it could only be 2 sets, if the main draw winner wins in straight sets.


We need volunteers to help with the tournament. Positions available are: ball boy/girl, court sweeper (between matches), line sweeper (also between matches) If you would be interested in doing any of those jobs, in trade for a free grounds pass, text Leland at 435-512-3394.

Main Draw

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Cameron Clifford     
June 16, 2021
Gary Crum
June 21, 2021
7:00 pm
Gary Crum
June 23, 2021
7:00 pm
 Gary Crum
June 29, 2021
7:00 pm
Albert Hartman 
June 17, 2021
7:00 pm
Christian Andrewsen
Dane Lallis
June 17, 2021
Leland Barker
June 22, 2021
7:00 am
Leland Barker
June 17, 2021
5:30 pm
 Leland Barker
June 21, 2021
8:00 am
Doug Garrett 
June 18, 2021
Hayden Francis

Back Draw

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6

Final Bracket

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
July 1, 2021
7:00 pm
March 2025
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